Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
EP 27 Gus Molan-I Came Eye To Eye with my Greatest Fear on Earth
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
How can I write a short piece on a guy who’s more of a brother than a podcast guest? At 34, my friend Gus Molan is young in years, with a big heart and strong mind. Saltwater soaked his diapers or as 8 year old Gus would say, “his panties" since he was 6 months old. Marvel (as I have) at his amazing journey of family, tradition, dedication and growth, told by one born into the Alaskan fishing industry.

Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
EP 26 Deckhand Angel Acosta-The Most Beautiful Farmland in America is the Ocean
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Deckhand Angel Acosta brings us his story and his climb from a young man in California and one fateful night stocking Shelves in a grocery store can change your life forever. The Devil is in the Details people, enjoy!

Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Mark has been called away for work, so this is his first ever recording for Galley Stories. The first interviewee is Craig Jenssen, who has been fishing since he was a child. Craig is the nicest, most mild-mannered Captain in the fleet. Enjoy!

Monday Jun 25, 2018
EP 24- Captain Bart Eaton -You Gotta Make Your Own Myth, No One Else Will!
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Captain Bart Eaton Joins us today, a Living Legend in the Bering Sea, From the Crabbing side with his record catches aboard the F/V Amatuli, and a Sinking Feeling that Happens when your Raft is full of water. Bart has the Ability to tell a story like none other, sit back and enjoy. Bart has experienced Every Aspect of our Industry from the Highs of the biggest catch, to the loss of having your boat go out from underneath you, and your Crew. And Sometimes, you just have to Jump out of the Helicopter. And Occasionally you ask for the Azors to be bombed

Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Captain Joe Morris, Shares more that most, from hpis time as Skipper to Foreign Shores, to seigning and catching Crab in the Bering Sea. We could not ask for someone to share more. Please Like/Share/Comment.

Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Captain Elmer Loose Joins us today to discuss His Fishing Career, From his earliest Memory of the tire swing on deck as a kid, to a Fish Hold full of water with the Bait still in it, in his First Captains Spot. As the Third generation fisherman, now sending his son out as the 4th, we have alot of maritime stories here. Like/Share and By all means leave a comment.

Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Stan Hansen joins us today, His Family has been Fishing since before many of us got our last names. He Brings Stories from being 12 at Sea with a Salty Dog and Legend of a Father, To Making his own way. HIf you listen close, even the oldest seafairing folks can learn a tale or two. Please Like/Share/Subscribe, Facebook @Galleystories

Monday May 28, 2018
EP 20 Captain Bart Eaton Part 2-You Can't Fly Ass Backwards Into the Wind
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
Captain Bart Eaton Joins us today, a Living Legend in the Bering Sea, From the Crabbing side with his record catches aboard the F/V Amatuli, and a Sinking Feeling that Happens when your Raft is full of water. Bart has the Ability to tell a story like none other, sit back and enjoy. Bart has experienced Every Aspect of our Industry from the Highs of the biggest catch, to the loss of having your boat go out from underneath you, and your Crew. And Sometimes, you just have to Jump out of the Helicopter.

Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
Captain Bart Eaton Joins us today, a Living Legend in the Bering Sea, From the Crabbing side with his record catches aboard the F/V Amatuli, and a Sinking Feeling that Happens when your Raft is full of water. Bart has the Ability to tell a story like none other, sit back and enjoy. Bart has experienced Every Aspect of our Industry from the Highs of the biggest catch, to the loss of having your boat go out from underneath you, and your Crew.

Wednesday May 16, 2018
Wednesday May 16, 2018