Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Monday Dec 09, 2019
EP 68 The Salmon Sisters, Emma & Clair-They were Born for This!
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Monday Dec 09, 2019
Emma and Claire grew up on a homestead in Alaska’s remote Aleutian Islands. If you walked South on the Alaska Peninsula until you reached the end of the land and your toes hit the water, you are probably on their front porch. Their family makes their livelihood harvesting wild seafood from Alaska’s pristine and bountiful waters. Since they were young, Emma and Claire have worked on commercial fishing boats and continue to fish each summer while running Salmon Sisters from land and sea.

Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Tuesday Dec 03, 2019
Therese Sauvageau joins us to share her epic life and climb in the rough and tough Lobster Fishery. Locally known in Beverly as the first female Lobster Captain, Therese was an absolute joy to talk to. Clearly you can tell just by the way she carries herself that she has worked for everything she has gotten. Such Drive and determination, hopefully you think the same as her story unfolds.

Monday Nov 25, 2019
EP 66 Deckhand Will Rayder-I was a Huckleberry Finn River Rat
Monday Nov 25, 2019
Monday Nov 25, 2019
William Rayder joins us today to share his very entertaining Story, from commercial fishing Lobster at the age of 12 and moving on to some minor piracy. Will has great detail when describing his life and was a joy to record. A magical 40 day walking tour of the Camino De Santiago with his young son.

Monday Nov 18, 2019
Monday Nov 18, 2019
Lieutenant Commander Bradley Boyd steps into character to tell us the Story of the USS Nautilus, the very first ever Nuclear Powered, well... anything. This was a stretch but the idea to hear the story of a vessel was something i could not just pass up, Commander Boyd did an excellent job and you can hear in his voice the pride he takes in both his service and history of service of the Nautilus and her crews.
Below Information from the Submarine Force Museum Web Site RE: USS Nautilus & LTC Boyd:
On January 21, 1954, Nautilus was christened and launched into the Thames River. On January 17, 1955, the message “Underway On Nuclear Power” was sent and changed the Navy forever. The world’s first nuclear powered submarine, Nautilus will forever stand as a testament to innovation and the incredible advancements in technology made after WWII. It is well known that besides being the first nuclear powered submarine, Nautilus was also the first vessel to pass under the North Pole, making history with the message “Nautilus 90 North” Her achievements have forever been immortalized at the Submarine Force Museum. The museum preserve submarine heritage. It is the only place in the world where someone can gain a first-hand look at this historic landmark. Nautilus was designated a National Historic Landmark by the Secretary of the Interior on May 20, 1982. On April 11 1986, eighty-six years to the day after the birth of the Submarine Force, Historic Ship Nautilus was opened to the public.
LCDR Reginald Preston came to the Nautilus in April 2016, following in the footsteps of the directors before him who took on the task of maintaining the legacy of one of the most important submarines in the US Navy. Originally, from Lyman, Nebraska, LCDR Preston received his commission through the Naval reserve Officer Training Corps in 2003. Following the completion of nuclear power training, he reported to USS Helena in San Diego, California. Qualifying in Submarines on Helena, he served as the Chemical and Radiological Controls Assistant, Assistant Operation Officer, and interim Engineer Officer. In 2010, he reported to the USS Chicago where served as Engineer Officer. While on the Chicago, he would help transform her back into a warship ‘certified for tasking’ in the Seventh Fleet area of responsibility after a homeport shift to Guam. He would go on to serve as both the Operations Officer at Submarine Group Two and the Chief of Staff for the enlisted Women in Submarines task Force. His personal awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, and navy Achievement medal. During his time at Historic Ship Nautilus, LCDR Preston has only maintained the excellent recorded of OIC’s at the museum. His work at the museum only furthered the museums mission to be a highly regarded museum and a must stop for those traveling in the area. LCDR Preston also “led a team of experts in rewriting the technical requirements for nautilus which previously necessitated the ship to be maintained at a level nearly commensurate with operational submarines. Preston’s revised requirements not only allowed for cost-wise upkeep and maintenance at a level that preserves Nautilus for futures generations, but did so with the expectation the ship would continue to host more than 150,000 visitors annually.” He was also “instrumental in laying the groundwork to establish a future water taxi dock at the museum. As one of almost 20 Historic and cultural sites on the banks of the Thames River, the Submarine Force Museum is one of four anchor sites in the Thames River Heritage Park.”[1] His next tour will be as the Director of Submarine On-Board Training at naval Submarine Base New London. While the crew and staff will miss him, they wish him well in his next placement and look to the future with LCDR Bradley Boyd.

Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
EP 64 Deckhand Nick Tokmen- I saw them on TV and went, you only live once
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Tuesday Nov 12, 2019
Nick was a very different kind of interview, when i arrived he was cooking eggplant and offered me some. This man is the most relaxed person I have been around, you know the kind that will stop and think before he answers. Bright young man who currently is on the inspirational speaking tour, and after you listen you will know why. If we could all follow our dreams as well as this young man does we would all be rich or on america's most wanted.... depending on your dreams. But I think in Nicks world (which would be great if it was all of ours), if you dream it, you can have it.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Captain Dave Marciano of Wicked Tuna fame joins us o share his journey from Deckhand and troubled youth to one of the nicest guys on the Sea. Dave took me out for a Tuna Trip just prior to recording this episode, i would Highly recommend doing a Charter with Dave, he is totally approachable and a genuinely nice guy. As an example while we were recording from the wheelhouse on the F/V Falcon a young lady was outside on the dock holding a picture, Dave asked if i would mind stopping a second so he could say hi, we did and he went out and signed her photo and had her come on the back deck for her own picture before we continued. Just a REAL Genuine guy, enjoy and I encourage you all to binge other episodes, each of the folks that share stories on here are unique.

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Billy Prime Joins us today to share his story from recovery and clinging to the sea to keep him afloat. Fishing brings each of us something different, for some it is the introduction to destructive things in our lives, for this young man it is the Sea that helps him cling to his sobriety. We cannot thank Billy enough for sharing his journey.

Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
EP 61 Captain Billy Aaron- When Something Goes Wrong, It Goes Wrong!
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Tuesday Oct 15, 2019
Captain Aaron joins us today to share his Journey from Puyallup, WA to the Bering Sea, Russia and all along the East Coast. Billy has done it all, Crabbing, Pollock and Lobstah!!! Take a listen to his amazing story and give him a like and a share, and as always thank you for listening.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Tuesday Oct 08, 2019
Jesse Roche after having his own successful sports fishing radio show one day decided at the age of 41 to start commercial fishing. For those that already know Jesse you know he will be successful. Jesse i believe cannot even pass a mud puddle without wondering what kind of fish he can pull out of it. Give this episode a like, share and leave a review. THANK you all for listening and allowing us to share these Mariners stories.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
EP 59 Captain Jeff Klein-I Have a Special Pride to see a Commercial Boat Leave the Dock
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Captain Jeff Klein, in his own words has been on more boats than he remembers, his passion for "Our" fishery, and yes i mean Our fishery to anyone who makes living on the water comes out in this episode. Coming out to the East Coast and looking for the East coast stories the first one that took the bait has fished in both waters on both coasts, it just shows us how small our community is.