Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
EP 78 Captain Jake Albinio F/V Cornelia Marie ”Can’t work the deck forever”
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Born in Hawaii and always on the water, always fit and ready to Fight either the weather on Deck or an opponent in Professional MMA. Jake does not back down from a challenge and is a hard working Skipper.

Thursday May 11, 2023
EP 77 William ”Bill” Jensen ”Vacation was Fishing”
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
Bill Jensen – A generational calling, growing up in Petersburg’s Fisheries
Bill joins us today on location in Tropical Akutan Alaska. Sharing his experiences growing up in
Petersburg, like many others from a multi-generational fishing family. Starting out with gillnet trips to
Horns Cliff with his dad to family vacations longlining in Chatham Straits. Bill now has feet in both sides
of the fisheries, occasionally vacationing on local boats and working Refrigeration for a processing
company, freezing the catch he used to bring in.

Friday Oct 09, 2020
EP 76, Captain Sig Hansen-Deadliest Catch-My Legacy
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Sig was a tough one to track down as he has a very busy schedule. But the wait very well may have been worth it, we had to break this one up into two episodes, this is episode 2.... Enjoy!
The rest of this Credit Wikipedia:
Sigurd Jonny Hansen was born in Seattle, the eldest of three sons; his brothers are Norman and Edgar. Their father, Sverre Hansen, was descended from a long line of Norwegian-ancestry fishermen. His father and grandfather pioneered opilio crab fishing in Alaska as a way of giving crab boats a chance to earn money year-round rather than in short-term or late-year seasons. He began fishing at age 14, working on his family's boat. After he graduated from high school, he began fishing year-round, spending on average 10 months per year in Alaska and the Bering Sea. Occasionally he also fished mackerel and cod in Norway during the summer. In his early years, he cut school so that he could go fishing.[1]
Hansen started as a deckhand on his father's boat before his teenage years, working his way up the ranks. At age 22, he became a “relief skipper”, relieving other captains on the Northwestern, as well as doing short-haul stints on other boats in the fleet.[2] By age 24, he began running the Northwestern full-time. Over the years, the boat has become a top producer with an excellent safety record; it has never had a single death at sea in the nearly 20 years Hansen has been at its helm, and its serious injury rate is significantly lower than other boats in the Bering Sea fleet as well. In 2005 for King Crab and 2006 for Opilio, the Northwestern won the final derby seasons, taking home the titles for both the highest poundage caught and the highest dollars earned between the featured boats in the Deadliest Catch.[2] As of 2011, Hansen serves as the full-time captain during king and opilio crab seasons, as well as the pot cod fishery on the Northwestern. His younger brothers, Edgar and Norman, are deck boss and deckhand, respectively.[citation needed]
In March 2010, Hansen became a published author with the release of his book (co-written with Mark Sundeen) North By Northwestern: A Seafaring Family on Deadly Alaskan Waters, which reached the bestseller list of the New York Times[3] and the Wall Street Journal.
On April 29, 2010, Hansen was a guest on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. During the show, he expressed his desire to be a contestant on the next season of the hit ABC reality television series Dancing with the Stars.[4] Leno's staff set up a Facebook page to gather support for him to be selected for the show.[5] In September 2010, Hansen announced that he would not return for the seventh season of Deadliest Catch. However, on October 8, it was announced that Hansen would come back to the show.[citation needed]
He provided the voice of a boat named Crabby (modeled after the Northwestern) in the Disney Pixar film Cars 2.[6] He competed in the 14th season of The Celebrity Apprentice.[7]
In 2014, Hansen was inducted into the Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame, along with Tonight Show bandleader, Doc Severinsen, and singer Bobby Vee.[8]

Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sunday Sep 27, 2020
Sig was a tough one to track down as he has a very busy schedule. But the wait very well may have been worth it, we had to break this one up into two episodes.
The rest of this Credit Wikipedia:
Sigurd Jonny Hansen was born in Seattle, the eldest of three sons; his brothers are Norman and Edgar. Their father, Sverre Hansen, was descended from a long line of Norwegian-ancestry fishermen. His father and grandfather pioneered opilio crab fishing in Alaska as a way of giving crab boats a chance to earn money year-round rather than in short-term or late-year seasons. He began fishing at age 14, working on his family's boat. After he graduated from high school, he began fishing year-round, spending on average 10 months per year in Alaska and the Bering Sea. Occasionally he also fished mackerel and cod in Norway during the summer. In his early years, he cut school so that he could go fishing.[1]
Hansen started as a deckhand on his father's boat before his teenage years, working his way up the ranks. At age 22, he became a “relief skipper”, relieving other captains on the Northwestern, as well as doing short-haul stints on other boats in the fleet.[2] By age 24, he began running the Northwestern full-time. Over the years, the boat has become a top producer with an excellent safety record; it has never had a single death at sea in the nearly 20 years Hansen has been at its helm, and its serious injury rate is significantly lower than other boats in the Bering Sea fleet as well. In 2005 for King Crab and 2006 for Opilio, the Northwestern won the final derby seasons, taking home the titles for both the highest poundage caught and the highest dollars earned between the featured boats in the Deadliest Catch.[2] As of 2011, Hansen serves as the full-time captain during king and opilio crab seasons, as well as the pot cod fishery on the Northwestern. His younger brothers, Edgar and Norman, are deck boss and deckhand, respectively.[citation needed]
In March 2010, Hansen became a published author with the release of his book (co-written with Mark Sundeen) North By Northwestern: A Seafaring Family on Deadly Alaskan Waters, which reached the bestseller list of the New York Times[3] and the Wall Street Journal.
On April 29, 2010, Hansen was a guest on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. During the show, he expressed his desire to be a contestant on the next season of the hit ABC reality television series Dancing with the Stars.[4] Leno's staff set up a Facebook page to gather support for him to be selected for the show.[5] In September 2010, Hansen announced that he would not return for the seventh season of Deadliest Catch. However, on October 8, it was announced that Hansen would come back to the show.[citation needed]
He provided the voice of a boat named Crabby (modeled after the Northwestern) in the Disney Pixar film Cars 2.[6] He competed in the 14th season of The Celebrity Apprentice.[7]
In 2014, Hansen was inducted into the Scandinavian-American Hall of Fame, along with Tonight Show bandleader, Doc Severinsen, and singer Bobby Vee.[8]

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
EP 74 Lance Kramer- Pantyhose, Spark-plugs and Herring, Oh Crab!
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Lance Kramer joins us today to share his life and upbringing in the Arctic Circle. Lance takes us through some of his earliest childhood memories of learning to live off the land in an environment that some cannot imagine and that he would not change. Language and values and respect for elders, Lance covers all the bases.

Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Tuesday Aug 11, 2020
Captain John Rae joins us on our return to recording. Recorded in Kotzebue Alaska. John has spent 40 years in Various parts of Alaska as an Oil Industry worker, Hunter, Trapper, Fishermen and a Bush Pilot. John shares his story in such a genuine way. I Hope you enjoy it as much as i did.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Junior, Captain of the Seabrook has upgraded and moved on to the very first boat he ever served on.... away from his family. Know where your buddy is, is his best advice. we are happy that Junior took the time to record, and even better that he is back on Deadliest Catch. We waited to post until it was known he was back on DC. enjoy this one guys!

Thursday Mar 19, 2020
EP 71 Captain Mark Casto F/V Pinnacle
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Thursday Mar 19, 2020
Captain Mark Casto Joins us from the Wheelhouse of the F/V Pinnacle sitting in the Harbor of St Paul Island while offloading his Crab. Mark was a bit of a short interview as he seems to be more of a man of action than words, great story all the same.

Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Captain Rick Shelford of the F/V Aleutian Lady On location in St Paul Alaska where the Crab Fleet were hard at work. Rick is a Third generation fishermen and has been supervising his families fishing fleet and has returned to the sea. Rick shares his pride and heart in this episode, you can tell this fan loves his family and the sea who has provided for them for generations.

Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
EP 69 Captain Michael "RED" Perry-GO BIG RED!
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Captain Mike "Red" Perry joins us from his offload in St Paul Alaska. Red has fished in more countries than most of us have visited states. Iv'e known Red a long time and its hard to get him talking but when you do its Golden!