Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
Join us for our first female guest, Laura Hartema, author of BERING SEA STRONG, and see what it was like to be the only woman and scientist (fisheries observer) working alongside the fishermen. Her memoir shows us we sometimes have to choose the extreme to overcome our circumstances and prove our own strength. And by the way....she's frickin funny and amazing. :)
Laura Hartema, author of memoir, BERING SEA STRONG.

Monday Apr 30, 2018
Monday Apr 30, 2018
Captain Howard Malcolm Completes his second Part of the episode. I'm pretty Certain he could and may share 3 more if we open the Mic, Please like and share, but this one is the REAL stories that happen out there, and the real emotion and decisions that come with it. This is as real as it gets.

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Ok, this was a diffrent story all together, Captain Howard from the F/V Northern Patriot shares the more intimate tales of not only fishing, but what it takes from a Loving better half to make it work. I Really hope you enjoy Part 1. lives are Lost and Love is Found.

Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Captain Jeff Freese of the F/V Viking Explorer joins us to share his Story from Contractor to Life on the Bering Sea. Jeff tells his story in the same tone that he has lived his career, with a Humble view of himself and his abilities and allowed his skills to speak for him. Jeff was a tough one to get into the recoding session as he just isn't that guy to talk about his Life on the Bering Sea, quite and reserved, but I sure am glad he shared as im certain you will be as well.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Join us for Captain Kari's Story, Starting Right out of school on a vessel built in 1919 and continuing with Tendering on the Viking Queen, to Owning his own Bristol Bay Gil Netter and On back to Crabbing on the F/V Deception.

Monday Apr 09, 2018
Monday Apr 09, 2018
Captain Pat, an innovative and Creative Bering Sea Soul, taking us on his Adventure from Working the Docks while in Highschool, to be In the OwnerShip group Of the C/P Courageous. This Episode was recorded Before we began Plans for the Pat Dwyer ALS Fundraiser, but wanted to make sure it was mentioned.

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Chief Engineer Derek Hart Shares his story of Starting in the Fishing Industry in his Party Days, and shares with us some intement decisions both good and bad that has sculpted the Man who has become a Cherished friend and mentor to many, and a Great Father of Three. Currently Assigned on the F/V Northern Patriot as a fill in, and Normally on the F/V Pacific Viking

Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Join us as Captain Sean Dwyer Of The F/V Brenna A shares his Familie's Story of Adventure and Heartbreak. From the playgrounds of Shipyards to the Wheelhouse in the Bering Sea. As a Request from Sean, Please Donate to ALS Research, the Families Choice place for donations to go is ALS Therapy Development Institute, you can find them at https://www.als.net/captainsean/

Monday Mar 19, 2018
Monday Mar 19, 2018
Capt Halhjem joins us to talk about his experiences on the Sea. From Ballard to Norway and back and then on to Alaska. From the Derby Days to the Paydays.

Friday Mar 16, 2018
EP 9 Chief Engineer "Coach"- If Momma Ain't Happy, Coach Ain't Happy
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Friday Mar 16, 2018
The Chief Engineer of the F/V Sovereignty, Tim "Coach" Deplazes joins us to share his late start in the Bering Sea. From Galley Cook to Engineer and everything in Between.
Mark Caylor & Capt Jack Molan
Find Jacks Book at http://a.co/31j46pX