Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Monday Feb 26, 2018
Monday Feb 26, 2018
Lloyd Johannessen Joins us on the aft Deck of the M/Y Gale, sharing a brief part of his 40 years on the water. Before Lloyd came we had not met, and like me, you'll find you have a new friend. It feels like your favorite shoes by the time he's done. Be Advised, a couple slips on the swear words. The winds raged with waves were slapping the boat the entire recording. But wind and waves become comforting, as his story unfolds.
Capt Jack And Mark, Find Jacks Book at http://a.co/31j46pX