Stories from the Bering Sea and Beyond-Hosted by Mark Caylor. Listen to Real Fishermen/Ladies Share their stories at sea. What it has given and what she has taken away. Instagram @Galley_Stories www.galleystories.net Shop for Gear at https://f7505e-a8.myshopify.com/ Email Galleystories@gmail.com

Thursday Aug 02, 2018
EP 27 Gus Molan-I Came Eye To Eye with my Greatest Fear on Earth
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
Thursday Aug 02, 2018
How can I write a short piece on a guy who’s more of a brother than a podcast guest? At 34, my friend Gus Molan is young in years, with a big heart and strong mind. Saltwater soaked his diapers or as 8 year old Gus would say, “his panties" since he was 6 months old. Marvel (as I have) at his amazing journey of family, tradition, dedication and growth, told by one born into the Alaskan fishing industry.